Németh, Szilvia
managing director
E-mail to Szilvia Németh
Curriculum Vitae

Lannert, Judit senior researcher
E-mail to Judit Lannert
Curriculum Vitae
Selected papers in English
My main interest is in empirical (both quantitative and qualitative) research in the field of school effectiveness, that of students? progress and career aspirations and the transition process from school to work. I am the co-editor (with Gábor Halász) of the regularly published Hungarian Report on Public Education, which is widely used at the universities and among decision-makers, as well. I took part in several international projects financed by OECD (e.g. Transition from school to work, Schooling for tomorrow) and by the European Union (representing Hungary in the LLL stakeholder group set up by the Commission, or working as an expert in a peering group in Serbia managed by the European Training Fund). In 2007 I am delegated by the Education Committee of the Parliament into the ?Roundtable on Public Education?, an inititative launched by the prime minister.
From the end of 2007 I have been the head of the newly established TARKI-TUDOK Knowledgemanagement and Education Research Centre Inc. From 2012 I am a senior researcher at T-TUDOK.

Anita Kaderják researcher
Anita Kaderják graduated as an economist. Her main areas of interest is assessment of pupils” achievement, especially analysing the differences that of between students coming from different family background and evaluation of teachers’ work and programmes in education.
2012-2015: Eötvös Lóránd University, Faculty of Social Science, economic analyst MA
2009-2012: Corvinus University Budapest, Faculty of Business, Economics and Management, BA
2009-2014: Rajk László College of Corvinus University, Budapest